

早前多用chatgpt 寫英文或翻譯英文,最近愛用圖片生成,剛看了youtuber 介紹,試玩文字生成影片,我先用早前安裝的app, "POE"内一個官方bot幫我生成一個prompt,用中文寫出我的簡潔要求,當然要求愈細緻更好。



"Title: Bubble Bath Bliss 

A fluffy white cat contentedly sits in the bathtub, surrounded by a mountain of fragrant bubbles. Its owner, a young woman, gently lathers the cat's soft fur, eliciting delighted purrs. Water gently splashes as the cat playfully paws at the swirling suds, its pink tongue darting out to taste the soapy bubbles. The cat's eyes are half-closed in blissful relaxation, clearly reveling in the pampering attention. Occasional meows of satisfaction fill the steamy air as the woman tenderly rinses the cat, ensuring every inch is clean. By the end, both cat and human wear matching expressions of pure joy, bonding over this shared bathing experience. The video radiates a sense of warmth, comfort and the deep connection between a pet and its loving owner."

以下是中文版本的 prompt:

[標題: 泡泡浴樂


然後再將英文那段prompt抄到一個叫LUMA AI的網站(暫時是限量免費),便會生成5秒的片段,我以下的5秒片段用了7分鐘才生成,但限於這裏不能放片,所以只能Cap了圖,或者將它放在我的youtube內。不過付費的,我相信時間私質素會好好多。
